My professional interests have changed somewhat since 2016. (My personal interests are mostly the same.)

Since 2016, I have worked at two different companies:

  • ReactiveCore — SaaS for data transformation at scale. Using OWL/RDF ontologies and schemas, OPS-5 rules (“Reactive Rules”), Scala + Spark (backend), and Jupyter + Python (frontend)
  • dv01 — SaaS for data services connecting lenders and buyers of securitizations for multiple asset classes, including mortgages (MBS), solar/home efficiency, line of credit, and auto. Using Scala + Spark (backend), Google Cloud Platform, BigQuery

Continuing my earlier work, I am currently most interested in the following core technologies:

  • Semantic Web and linked data: Knowledge Graphs (KGs), OWL/RDF, graph databases, SPARQL
  • Rules-based systems for forward-chaining (RETE) and backward-chaining (Prolog, Datalog)
  • Distributed cloud-based systems based on micro-services
  • Relational databases (SQL), data warehouses, data lakes
  • DataBricks for end-to-end capabilities

hacking Raspberry Pi for IoT

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Jun 302016

I’m not going to say a lot about this, just: Raspberry Pi is a great testbed for IoT

90% of the work

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May 072012

“I tell people that I do the first 90% of the work on a new project. Developers do the remaining 90%, and QA makes all of us do the final 90%.”

– Bill Cheswick

The problem with Lisp

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Apr 282012

The author of this post is massively confused, and Lisp implementors should pay attention:

The problem with Lisp

Apr 262012

This is a handy cheat sheet for Emacs Slime commands.

If you use Lisp, try Slime – it is a great tool for running a Lisp REPL with completion, syntax coloring, Meta-. (“meta dot”) and more.


Overheard on Google+ yesterday:

KT: fuckit building a web site is too much work…

SC: OMG, it’s my new mantra.

K2: lol. I’m putting that on a business card. haha

K1: Pics or didn’t happen!

Thanks KT for the best laugh I’ve had this week.

(With apologies to the many children who stumble on this by accident while researching their term papers on Lisp programming.)

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